
Conflict Settlement & Court Proceedings (CSCP)

Divorce proceedings, estate quarrels after the passing-away of a family member, marital or cohabitation contracts parenthood and parental responsibility, surrogacy, , inheritance and gift (tax) controversy. Our CSCP team serves private clients in potential or arisen, national or international, issues regarding their personal status, their families or their family enterprises.

As facts of life, these issues disrupt both private and professional relationships and may result in conflict. Conflicts entail a huge risk of escalation. Litigation may last for many years. And often takes a heavy toll, emotionally and financially. Each conflict merits a tailor-made approach. We are counsellors at law: we know the law. And we know how to counsel you: collaborative, problem solving and, if needed, by defending your interests in court. Our approach is closely linked with our offering in Advisory and Family Business Dynamics.

Litigation is not the inevitable way to deal with conflicts. According to the type of conflict and its intensity, we analyse and decide with you how to handle their conflict in the most appropriate way: facilitation, negotiation, collaborative law, mediation, case settlement, arbitration or litigation.

Our CSCP team is led by Stefanie Denorme and Prof. Dr. Frederik Swennen, Of counsel.

Contact us

Frederik Swennen

Frederik Swennen

Of Counsel

Frederik is member of the Greenille Private Clients team at Deloitte Legal. He specialises in national and international family law, private international law and art law. Frederik’s work involves fam... More

Stefanie Denorme

Stefanie Denorme

Senior Managing Associate

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